This curried fried rice is my very own creation. I'm the kind of person who cooks without measuring anything, so the measurements listed here are only...
Fried rice that is quick, easy, and very flavorful. This recipe has been requested so many times by my family and friends I finally decided to place it...
This is a good basic recipe for a side dish for Chinese BBQ pork. Add or subtract any vegetables of your choice. As a main course, try adding cooked shrimp,...
Traditionally fried rice was prepared with leftovers and overnight rice. There was no special recipe to fried rice. Look in your fridge or pantry for what...
A twist on the average fried rice - a culmination of some of my favorite Asian flavors thrown into a common dish. This recipe is very easy to adjust according...
A bit of Polish mixed with an old Filipino favorite. A terrific way to use up left-over rice. Definitely a favorite at my apartment! Be sure to use rice...
I was never a believer in SPAM® until my mother-in-law passed down a rice recipe that changed my world. This is an easy, budget-friendly, kid-friendly...
Thai pork fried rice with bean sprouts for some crunch. Make sure all of the ingredients are at room temperature before starting. Cold ingredients cool...
If you're from Hawaii, you know very well about our local-style sticky bacon fried rice you can get at almost any short order restaurant. I made this version...
We are a family of 5. We like quick meals, and really that is all we have time for Mon-Fri. This is very simple compared to some pork fried rice recipes....
A simple way to make fried rice that is better than in some Chinese restaurants! Boneless chicken breasts are stir fried with white rice, scrambled eggs,...
My husband and I love Ginger Shrimp. I fix it often and have many requests for the recipe. Served with green beans and red peppers, it is always a hit...
You can use leftover corned beef. We love this fried rice so much that I actually cook corned beef (by slow-cooking pre-marinated meat) just for this!...
Ever since we lost our good friend Mr.Cuckoo (the name brand of our rice cooker) a few months ago, we never have any leftover rice (which is ideal for...
My boyfriend loved ordering this Japanese beef fried rice in our favorite Japanese restaurant. For dinner one time, I decided to surprise him by making...
A perfect Thai-style fried rice. Easy and simple with great cilantro and garlic flavors. Serve with fresh cucumber and lime wedges, topped with cilantro...
Basic fried rice you can add any meat (chicken, pork, shrimp) to. The vegetables are fried in the bacon grease which gives this fried rice a great flavor....
Ireland meets the Orient? Nah, that's too corny. Truth is, I just came up with this one night while searching for a late night snack to eat. It was so...
I threw this together one morning when I had about a half hour to spare in between doing laundry and when I needed to leave for work. This is great for...
I like to use basmati rice for my fried rice, but any rice will do. It tastes even better if you use leftover rice from a few days ago. You can of course...
This is one of my favorite vegan recipes to use leftover jasmine rice. The key to Korean fried rice is to use one-day-old, leftover rice; freshly cooked...
Traditional chicken fried rice cooks faster in your electric pressure cooker. This Instant Pot® method gives you a fluffy and flavorful meal, but eliminates...
Pineapple baked rice uses a pineapple skin as a bowl, stuffing it with fried rice. After you bake it for 15 minutes, the pineapple flavor will go into...
Chicken fried rice, just like they serve in the restaurants! A stir fry with chicken, rice, soy sauce and veggies like peas, carrots, celery and bell peppers....
This fried rice uses leftover vegetables and meat--a great way to use leftovers for a dish that can be ready in about 30 minutes. It tastes so good that...
This is a great recipe of an Americanized version of fried rice that will be a great meal in itself. Some basic ingredients include Jimmy Dean® Sausage...
Nasi goreng is basically fried rice for anyone living in a Southeast Asia island. There are so many different types that no one really knows them all (or...
I came up with this recipe when I was craving fried rice and needed something lower in fat. The cabbage blends in with the rice so that even your kids...
We always have leftover fried rice when we order take-out Chinese. I prepared this with ginger the next day to use the rice and we loved it. Serve with...
This is my revised version of another pork fried rice recipe. I often substitute chicken for pork, and it doesn't change anything. I have used both basmati...